The Fundamentals of Why I Chose An “Inclusive” Brand

I don’t often bring up race or race relations. From the bottom of my heart I believe that people can be united if they are taught. I believe in a bright future. My hubby and I have raised our children to see people for who they really are – not the color of their skin. So don’t get me wrong, I’m not deviating from my normal everyday path. But I wanted to answer this question. And I thought, no better time than the present, what with it being February and all.

Why do I represent a beauty brand that isn’t “black-owned”?

It’s a loaded question and so I must give the full answer. First, I purchase many many beauty brands. My hair products are exclusively black-owned, and I support as many small, Women of Color (WOC) owned businesses as I possibly can. Second, as a woman entrepreneur, I am thrilled to be able to decide what is good for my life and for my own business. This is so empowering after all those years in Corporate America, when I was unable to able to decide much of anything. But third, and most important, is this:

Mary Kay had a huge vision for her company. She invited everyone to the table.

When WOC were only being invited to cook for the table, set the table, serve the table, and clean the table, Mary Kay saved a place for Black women. She invited them to pull up a chair and actually BE at the table. My mom never had a Mary Kay business, but even as a kid you know when you see something special. I was watching.

I remember my mom using this product when I was a little girl. I didn’t know who owned it and of course I didn’t care. I would see her putting on eye cream and night cream every evening without fail. Even though we never had excess, she was usually in a pretty nightgown with a satin robe. She was slow about it. Deliberate. It was a ritual I didn’t understand – but I loved watching it. Regardless of what her day was like, she got in a little self-care. In the era of Good Times and What’s Happening! those words weren’t used yet, but the actions made an impact. On my mother and on the little girl watching. Me. Over the years the colors, the products and the business have grown up and reached out, not just for women of darker skin or lighter skin, but for everyone in between.

Right now, when women and the families they support need it the most, Mary Kay (the company) has reached out once again. By giving women the chance to start a business with drive, determination, and only $30, the table is expanded and there is more room than ever before. To add to that, a few months ago, the Purpose Power Index named Mary Kay among the most powerful purpose-driven brands in the U.S. They have far more “feel-good” initiatives than I can detail. This brand has programs to support victors of domestic and date violence, has given millions for cancer research, supports literacy, assures that the products are safe, and is intent on being as green as possible. Did you notice I didn’t mention anything about winning cars or fancy trips or all the millions that some women have earned? That’s all true too, but it didn’t factor into my decision. Those are just perks. Of course, no company is perfect, but when I looked at the track record, I had to stick around!

Why do I represent this brand? Because Mary Kay is not for only black women or brown women or white women or for ONLY any combination of colors or cultures. Mary Kay includes ALL women. And THAT aligns with my values.

If you have never tried the MK brand and would like to have a spa experience with me right from the comfort of your home, let me pamper you and help you get your self-care in, no matter what. I definitely have space for you at my table. To schedule an appointment, text SELFCARE to 443-583-3670.

Princess of Positivity®, Chatone Morrison has a Mary Kay business and loves to share both the products and the business opportunity with women who are ready to shine.  She believes that you can absolutely release negativity so positivity can reign in your brain, in your business and in your big beautiful life. Visit Website

Chatone is the author of the book FATT & Happy, a self-coaching course and journal for women, and a Content Strategist & Confidence Coach for Women Entrepreneurs.  She is the owner of Chatone Morrison Consulting and the founder of The Confident Content Cafe, specializing in content creation, confidence coaching, consulting and strategy for women-owned small businesses.  She is a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader, speaker and author, and she is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique stories, know their niche and find their voice, systematize their message and move past the negativity so they can confidently sell their services on and off-line. 

To apply for a strategy session with Chatone, go to or visit

Is Enduring COVID-19 Making You Mushy? Here’s How To Thrive.

I think COVID-19 is making me mushy. I’m starting to tear up at every feel-good video I see. 😢  Which makes me not want to scroll Facebook anymore. And what would life be without scrolling through Facebook? That’s a rhetorical question, mostly aimed at myself, so please don’t answer if you hate Facebook, or worse yet, don’t have an account. Because, trust me, if you are one of those folks, you probably can’t relate to what you just read. Let’s try it this way . . .

Have you ever cried during a Hallmark or Lifetime movie or while watching a diaper commercial with a baby just starting to crawl? Or even worse, have you ever seen those ads for services to find a place for your elderly mom to live when you can’t care for her at home? When I think about it, those are probably the worst for me. I haven’t seen my mom without a mask for so long, and she is getting older, and often doesn’t feel well, and she is so afraid of getting the virus, and her fears have become my fears, so those commercials just KILL me! Does any of that hit you in the heart, too? If yes, keep reading. Because although you are hanging in there, the pandemic is getting to you. And this will seem like it’s all about me, but I’m actually writing this for all of us, so we don’t forget the fabric from which we are made. We are made to thrive.

I write humorously about all of this, while clutching my heart, because it’s the only way I know how to stay positive through so many tears. Through so much loss. Just today, one of my Mary Kay Director sisters told me that in the last 7 days, 4 people she knows had death in their immediate family. That’s four families and potentially hundreds of people that have crossed over the bridge to the side of sadness and now are just trying to bear up. Because isn’t that what we are all doing? Just trying to bear up?

And then, aside from the tremendous loss of life, and the associated community grief, one of the great heartbreaks of COVID-19 for me personally, is something I have otherwise taken for granted:

Human Connection.

See, I smile at strangers until they smile back. A run to Whole Foods for “buy 2, get 1 soup Wednesday” might be a two-hour trip. Why?  Chatting. People ask me questions every where I go. But especially in the Whole Foods gluten-free aisle. And yes, I ‘love me some’ Whole Foods, and would sleep there on the floor in between the organic white sweet potatoes and the exotic olive bar if it were allowable, but I do not now, nor have I ever been blessed with the privilege of working there. And yes, I’m super busy. But I’m also a sucker for a real conversation.

Do you remember it too? Standing less than one foot apart? Reaching over to touch someone? Saying hello without a mask? For me, normalcy also included getting to the heart of a deep personal life issue within minutes, while strolling the book section at Costco or at my neighborhood DSW, and then hugging someone I’ve only just met. That’s been my life since I was 5 years old. In fact, my whole life, my mom has repeated the story of Rosemarie Bell, my first friend outside of our family. During the first few weeks of school, way back in 1973, while mom was waiting to pick me up at noon, in the glory days of morning and afternoon kindergarten, little Rosemarie walked up to my mom, pulled her coat, introduced herself, and said: “I really like your daughter, Chatone. She’s so nice. We talk a lot. She’s my best friend.” (Now we won’t go into how she knew it was my mom. Lets’s just suffice it to say I grew up in an area that was not diverse.)

The point is, I am the girl who turns around in line at Target to chat folks up. I run after people who have dropped a dollar. Inevitably, I find keys on a clearance cardigan table in Walmart, panic in advance for the person that left them, run through the store looking for a lady who looks somewhat frantic, and then reluctantly go to customer service, turn in the keys, and wait to see if she comes. (That sounds a little dramatic, but it’s a true story – more than once!)

As a Coach-Copywriter-Entrepreneur-Mary Kay business owner, I have met many clients just by being my authentic self, interested and kind. In the words of Kathleen Kelly, played by Meg Ryan in one of my all-time favorite movies, “You’ve Got Mail“, it’s rarely just business for me. It’s all personal.  My gift and my passion is loving on people until they feel better. I listen. I see where things are broken and help find pieces that need picking up. I empower people (especially other women) to put the pieces back into place and adjust their crown.  In fact, I have listened to more 10-year life histories during a 10-minute encounter while walking through a mall, that I cannot possibly recount them all. My kids laugh at me. No matter what, I can come home from the supermarket with more stories of strangers than groceries; ALL of them ending with me hugging someone I didn’t know before I left the house. I don’t want COVID to change the fabric of who I am. And for that, I am mushy.

Am I also a little over the top? Maybe. But I’ve met so many women who go home to sadness and depression and abuse and loneliness. If I meet her, I simply feel compelled to see if I am able to bring at least one good curve to her lips, one good moment. I don’t post it on Facebook or ‘do it for the gram’. And although I LOVE a feel-good story, which I already said, it’s not for anyone else. It’s a personal mission. I like making people feel happy. I don’t want anyone to feel alone. And I’m all in for the long haul from day one.

Which brings me back full circle to my mom. Because although I grew up with two loving (albeit a bit over-bearing) parents in my home, it was a strong black woman who raised me. She did day’s work with a smile. She was a keypunch operator and made it sound enjoyable. She worked when my dad’s business failed and he couldn’t find employment. She cooked natural meals before it was called organic, and no one knew what it was, and she did it on food stamps. She drove a long commute that she absolutely hated, to a job where she excelled, but never got promoted. She saved my life in first grade, in the middle of the night, when I became dehydrated and lost consciousness on the floor of my room. I know I can’t actually remember it, because I wasn’t conscious, but I feel like I can. I know she rode in the back of the ambulance and yelled all the way to Orange Memorial Hospital, while the EMT did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I know she was crying and blaming herself. But in reality, she found me. She saved me. Because she was the kind of mom that peeked her head in the rooms of her girls every night, just to check.

She is a ride or die chick, incredible in a crisis and always ready to give you a belly laugh and a sincere exclamation when something exciting happens. It’s also true that a gecko can’t come in the house without her screaming to her wit’s end, and she is afraid to fly, and fearful of heights, and mice, and bugs, and dark alleyways. But if someone is on the roof, ready to jump, hysterically crying or inconsolable – my mom’s ability to calmly talk the person back to life, with logic and love and loyalty, is simply astonishing. (True story.) When I was growing up, let someone be a misfit, unloved, unappreciated, uncared for, less fortunate, under educated, or even, dare I say, weird – my mom was all in. She is the original Die Hard With A Vengeance. And yes, I adored my father, and I think I just might have been the ‘apple of his eye’. But my strength comes from my mom. And every day that another friend loses a parent, or I attend another virtual funeral, I get mushier.

My Mom. My Big Sister. And Me.

So yeah. This pandemic is making me soft. Not just because I don’t always feel like jumping on my Peloton and riding it out with my online coaches. Or because I eat a few too many Kirkland Pink Himalayan Salt potato chips. But because I’m absorbing so many tears from so many people. And I’m starting to realize that I may not have my mom forever the way I had planned. And I’m no different than any one of my friends who now feel like they are orphans. And no matter how many crowns I wear or titles I have or books I write or products I sell or people I serve and empower to feel confident; one day I will lose my mom and join the club of parentless adults. And right now, in this moment, it’s a reality that precipitated the longest blog I have ever dared to write in one sitting, in my fully-authentic, way-too-many-words, and way-too-many-thoughts voice, and post without editing.

And if you managed to read all the way down to this paragraph, thank you. I appreciate you. Share this with someone who will enjoy my sincere ramblings. In the meantime, I hope you remember to Focus Attention & Take Time with every person you love, even if they make you frustrated, and you don’t always understand them. Remember to make eye contact and say hello and smile at strangers, even if your face is covered by a mask. Do it because they need it, and because you just might need it too.

Chatone Morrison © January, 2021

Princess of Positivity®, Chatone Morrison is the author of the book FATT & Happy, a self-coaching course and journal for women, and a Content Strategist & Confidence Coach for Women Entrepreneurs. She is the owner of Chatone Morrison Consulting and the founder of The Confident Content Cafe, specializing in content creation, confidence coaching, consulting and strategy for women-owned small businesses.  She is a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader, speaker and author, and she is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique stories, know their niche and find their voice, systematize their message and move past the negativity so they can confidently sell their services on and off-line.  She also has a Mary Kay business and loves to share both the products and the business opportunity with women who are ready to shine. She believes that you can absolutely release negativity so positivity can reign in your brain, in your business and in your big beautiful life.  To apply for a strategy session with Chatone, go to or visit

After Suffering a Great Loss: 7 Strategies for Grieving With Grace

by Chatone Morrison

Even if you haven’t recently suffered a great loss, the COVID-19 virus has left us all in a chronic state of collective grieving. I have been overwhelmed with Zoom memorial services. Saying goodbye has become harder than ever. We see each other crying on the screen, but hear nothing because we are muted. We receive (SOS) support on social. Virtual hearts and hugs are all we have, but they are not as powerful as the real thing. We are missing people without being able to say goodbye. The loss is no less real, and the sting is more intense.

When I take on the challenging assignment of creating an obituary or interviewing family members for a life story for a funeral service program or video, this is how I do it. In my writing workshops, I call this “Write & Release”, or “Write & Remember”. It’s a palate cleanser, or a palate prompter, depending on what is needed. When you lose someone you cherish, it’s a nice way to remember, so it’s just a little easier.

In this moment of mass and personal loss, over and over, there is a need to slow down, stop, and find gentle ways to hold onto the past, and still keep going forward, all without breaking, and finding the blessings along the way. It’s possible. Read on.

Here are my 7 Strategies for Grieving With Grace. And this is how I assist my grieving clients through the difficult charge of creating a life memorial or obituary.

This “Write & Remember” journey can be recorded in a journal or voiced and later transcribed. Try to do this soon after you lose someone precious to you. Of course, depending on the closeness of the relationship, you may need to allow some time to pass, and that is OK. This all about adding grace and ease and helping your memories to flow. So, even if you are able to do just one thing, it will make an impact.

  1. Memory List. Create a list of memories shared with your lost loved one. This memory list can be written in a journal or spoken and recorded.
  2. Photographs. Gather all the hard copy photos. Make copies as needed. Retrieve digital photos and social media postings. Save on an external drive or cloud source. Add favorites to the journal.
  3. Special Conversations. Try to recall the most special conversation shared with your lost loved one. Do not replay the worst one over and over; it’s easy to do that. Find the best one. Write it down as you remember it. Don’t interpret. Just write.
  4. Unique List. List down as many unique, funny, quirky, and memorable things you can about your special person. Start with 10-15, and keep going, adding as many as you can recall.
  5. Audio & Video. Save a copy of their voice or a video. If you don’t personally have one, you can screen record from their social media to your smart device. Their exact voice is a legacy worth remembering and sharing. Hint: If someone you know is elderly, chronically ill, or close to death, please get this recording as soon a possible.
  6. Nickname. Write down their pet name for you and your pet name for them. (This is not the time to dwell on the negative nicknames you might have accepted.) Think back to the ones that were personal and loving and just between you two. Yes, there may be a few silly and embarrassing ones. At times, you might rolled your eyes by what you answered to, but it’s a part of a life you shared. Remember it.
  7. Talk. Talk it out. Share your personal discoveries and your journey and grief. There is nothing worse than grieving alone. To grieve with grace and find the blessing in your loss, you have to do it together.

With these steps you can gain grace and ease your way into the grieving process with your memories and your mindset intact. What do you do now?

Keep your journal close. As friends and family share their memories, add to it. When you want to talk to the person you loved and lost, pull it out and read it. It will make a difference.

Chatone Morrison is the Princess of Positivity® . Content Strategist & Confidence Coach. Gifted Writer Creating Print & Video Content that Raises Confidence, Positivity, & Energy in Corporate Women and Business Owners. Self-Talk Shifter. Motivation Elevator.  Catalyst.

Specializing in content creation, confidence coaching, consulting and delivery strategy for life and health coaches, Chatone is the owner of Chatone Morrison Consulting.  As a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader, speaker and author, Chatone is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique stories, know their niche and find their voice, and systematize their message.  Chatone believes that you can release negativity so positivity can reign in your brain and in your business.  To work with Chatone, go to or visit

Think Right Now Isn’t The Perfect Time To Start Something New? Think Again…

It’s July and at the moment we are all faced with the results of a global pandemic. If ever there was a time to throw away the bucket list away, it would be now. It’s hot. You have to wear a mask. The kids are home from school. It’s noisy. You are out of shape from being home for months without your gym membership. You don’t want to deal with another video conference call of any kind. All you really want is to sit down, do nothing, and see what “the lazy days of summer” are all about. Now is the perfect time to stop – right?

When I was in the throes of corporate life, July was the time to start absolutely nothing. For years, I worked 12+ hour days throughout June, then travelled much of July running logistics for midyear sales kickoff training events. And while the 6-figure salary, bonus and whir of the plane engines were often rewarding, there were absolutely no days off or lazy days of summer for me. Just exhausting, fire-hot-Texas, fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk days and working late into the evening at the office, then bringing dinner to my hotel to save more time for pouring over spreadsheets, and trying to catch my kids before they went to sleep. You don’t get the title of Corporate Warrior for nothing; you earn it, slaying whatever dragon is thrown in your direction. The only thing is – for every one you take down – there is another to take its place. It’s exhausting. Start something new? I don’t think so.

And yet, that is exactly what I did. You see, it was while staying at the Westin Stonebriar Hotel & Golf Club in Frisco, Texas, that I realized I was afraid of doing things alone. I had lived in the shadow of a strong father and family, and then an equally strong (and wonderful) husband, and although I was happy, I was in the shadow. I wouldn’t eat in a restaurant alone. I wouldn’t venture out too far at night for fear of getting lost in a Texas hailstorm, which happened a few times, even when I thought I knew where I was going. (In case you haven’t visited Dallas lately, let me tell you, every highway is wide, the landscape is very flat and the heat turns to violent wind and thunderstorms so often, it will scare you to death!)

The point is, I understood how to work hard and I was praised for it. Senior level management and many of the C-suite knew me. I received “pens” and “pins” and bonuses and headcount and responsibilities, which ultimately meant more work. I was great at my job and I enjoyed it, except I was working myself into the ground. I was afraid to try anything new and I wasn’t even sure why. It was time.

Because I started something so many years ago – I will do just about any workout in front of anyone…and have the time of my life in the process. Worth it!

One extremely hot morning in July, I woke up and decided to do start something new. Instead of going to the hotel’s gym in the morning, I went for a run. Now to be clear, I’ve never thought of myself as “the running type”. I’m thick. I jiggle when I move. I sweat – a lot. I’ve got stretch marks, my thighs rub and my run is more of a series of experimental questions: “Can I get to the next fire hydrant without resorting to walking? Can I get to the end of this song without passing out? Can I get back to the hotel without limping?” I’m sure you get my point. To top it off, at that time, if I saw even 1-2 other persons of color, it was a lot. I was often the only one, and for some reason, this made it feel even stranger. This was in the late 90’s and early 2000’s…where was everyone? For all of these reasons, coupled with my other ever-present fears, the first few times I woke up and went out for my walk/run experiment, I felt shame, embarrassment, and failure, coupled with a little dose of childlike, “I wish I were invisible”. But I kept going.

One “start” let to another. Morning after morning, no matter how late I had worked the night before, no matter how warm it was at 6am, I went. And little-by-little, I tried other things. I took myself to dinner with a book of Nikki Giovanni poems and quietly read them aloud to myself, in between courses.

I laid alone in the jacuzzi late at night when the gym was closed and allowed the jets to drown out everything and wash away some of the body shame I carried. I found the address of childhood friends then living in Deep Ellum and figured out how to get to their house and surprised them with dinner.

I researched essential oils for anxiety, stress, overwhelm, fear, and lack of creativity of every kind, went to natural shops, and created a lab in my hotel room, mixing blends for my staff, spraying them “undercover” in the cubicles of people who were harassing my team when I wasn’t there to be a stand for them. (Don’t Judge Me!)

I started moving early morning meeting times so I could take a bath before work and bring a more relaxed self to the office. A few times, I even stayed over an extra night so I could recover and treat myself with a Saturday walk/run, fruit smoothie, and massage before traveling, and thereby bring a more relaxed self to my family.

I started something – just one thing – and that one change grew me exponentially. Eventually, I left corporate life, started coaching and writing for coaches, and never looked back. I learned the most important lesson ever: If you wait to start something until the timing is perfect, and you feel just right, with no fear or reservations, you may never do it.

Is this particular time in your life more challenging than you can ever imagine. Maybe. But you will never have as much time as you do at this very moment. What do you need to start right now for which your future self will give abundant thanks?

Chatone Morrison is the Princess of Positivity® . Content Strategist & Confidence Coach. Gifted Writer Creating Print & Video Content that Raises Confidence, Positivity, & Energy in Corporate Women and Business Owners. Self-Talk Shifter. Motivation Elevator.  Catalyst.

Specializing in content creation, confidence coaching, consulting and strategy for women-owned small businesses, Chatone is the owner of Chatone Morrison Consulting.  As a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader, speaker and author, Chatone is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique stories, know their niche and find their voice, and systematize their message.  Chatone believes that you can release negativity so positivity can reign in your brain and in your business.  To work with Chatone, go to or visit

What Would Miranda Say?

One of the offputting things about having a business and having brand consistency is that life throws all kinds of curveballs and then you feel like you are arriving in Stucksville.

Stucksville is a fictional city discovered by my Dad.  I learned over time that the only way out is by drawing the lines on a roadmap, reading the signposts, finding the mile markers, making a way.  It doesn’t have to be hard.  It just has to work. What’s your way?

…You might be a weight loss coach struggling with post-baby weight, or

…You might be a parent coach with kids that are completely out of control, or 

…You might be a relationship coach in a difficult marriage, or

…You might trademark something like, say, Princess of Positivity®️, and be in the middle of a pandemic, and so worried about your family and friends that the stress is wrapped around your neck and negativity is creeping up out of your slipper socks!  OK, maybe that’s just me…

When life is on my nerves, I find comfort in words.  I can write a paragraph or two, read a favorite passage from the Bible, recite a poem or the guiltiest of “word pleasures”, Netflix & Chill.  Think about it, is there anything like repeating all the best dialogue, along with Miranda in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’?  (I think not)

Every one of us is at bat. We are dodging curveballs, being thrown as fastballs, and running around the diamond, trying not to slide, even though spring training is canceled.  Take a breather when you need to.  Find words to get you through.  And by all means, have a movie date right in your living room.  Then, get back up, and get to work.  Feel good.

Chatone Morrison, ©2020

Chatone Morrison is the Princess of Positivity® . Content Strategist & Confidence Coach. Gifted Writer Creating Print & Video Content that Raises Confidence, Positivity, & Energy in Corporate Women and Business Owners. Self-Talk Shifter. Motivation Elevator.  Catalyst.

Specializing in content creation, confidence coaching, consulting and strategy for women-owned small businesses, Chatone is the owner of Chatone Morrison Consulting.  As a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader, speaker and author, Chatone is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique brand story, know their niche and find their voice, and systematize their message.  Chatone believes that you can release negativity so positivity can reign in your brain and in your business.  To work with Chatone, go to or visit

Confident Content Tuesday: Ready To “Cook Up” Some Great Content? Perfection is NOT Required!


Today’s Confident Content Tuesday Tip was delivered via Facebook live stream   (Access Today’s Facebook Livewhile I made gluten-free banana-nut muffins.  Simultaneously.  🙌 Am I proud when I successfully do double duty?  Sure!  But what I love most is that I give myself permission to make mistakes and to keep going.  The Confident Content Tip of the Day is all about that.

**  Perfection Is NOT Required **

If you like cooking as much as I do, you learn your way around the kitchen and during all the trial and error you learn the strangest things, for example, what you initially think is a tragedy is often found totally delicious by other people.  It’s similar with your content delivery.  Especially as a coach, consultant, artist, or other high creative being, when you are delivering the “gift of you”, perfection rears it’s ugly head way too often.  So just think, what would you do if you were in the kitchen and wanted to serve up something tasty even if you had a little bit of doubt?  Here’s 5 things that will help in the kitchen, in life and definitely in the business of creating your content.


5 Keys to Confident Content (That Work In The Kitchen Too!)

  1. Prepare for your niche.  Ever had a dinner party and invited guests who adhere to special diets?  You try to accommodate, right? You wouldn’t cook Shrimp Alfredo for someone with a shellfish allergy and is gluten-free.   You would know what they needed and then what they needed and then give it to them.  It’s the same with your content.  Know your audience and give them exactly what they need.  They are not looking for perfection, but consistently tasty prepared just for them.
  2. Use what you have on hand.  Your pantry is chock full of goodies and you can create something great from there even in a pinch.  With your skills, talents, education, passion and gifts, it’s the exact same thing.  Don’t try to cook from someone else’s kitchen – yours is way more than good enough!
  3. Know the art of substitution. There is no sense lamenting over not having enough oil when you can usually exchange equal amounts of applesauce while cutting  calories but keeping the moisture and even adding a bit of flavor.  In your content if something is working, change it.  One platform isn’t performing, try a different one. A particular CTA doesn’t engage, move on.  Getting it right may take a couple tries but in the meantime you are learning what works best and you can never go wrong with that lesson.IMG_5809
  4.  Be flexible.  The toothpick test doesn’t always come out clean after 45 minutes on a 350 oven.  That’s life.   If you stubbornly (perfectly) follow the recipe at all costs, you might end up with something half-baked and inedible.  Especially when you are delivering your content on live stream realize that a few curve balls might come your way.  You might have the notes, nerve and the notion but life will happen!  Today during my Facebook livestream I realized that there was gluten-free flour on my, um, let’s just say right upper torso area….  I had to pivot in the moment.  My allergies kicked up smack dab in the middle of chatting and stirring.  Imagine if perfection got the best of me and I abruptly ended.  Not a good look.  But it’s spring and it happens, so I walked off camera, took care of my runny nose and got right back to the recipe of my content.  You can do just the same.  Be Flexible and go with it.  
  5. Questions are your ally. I think the reason women love  Pinterest so much is because we often come from families that don’t cook and we want an ally, a tribe.  We need to know that someone is out there that has done it too and can tell us how to do it.  But then if our banana nut muffins don’t turn out just like the picture we are bummed out.  You don’t have to respond that way if you don’t want to.  Realize that your niche market/ideal customer has questions too.  She is looking for a “recipe” for her problem and you have the answer.  What you know and will share is more than what she has.  Perfection is never placed in a search engine.  Ask what she needs.  Check your recipe to make sure you will deliver it and start consistently cooking and delivering your content!

Here’s the gem I want you to take away:  Perfection is not needed.   You are ready and should not delay another day waiting.  If I can help, let’s schedule a strategy session.  In the meantime:

Be Authentic.  Be Brilliant.  Be The Catalyst.

OverProject 5


Chatone Morrison is the Princess of Positivity® . Content Strategist & Confidence Coach. Gifted Writer Creating Print & Video Content that Raises Confidence, Positivity, & Energy in Corporate Women and Business Owners. Self-Talk Shifter. Motivation Elevator.  Catalyst.

Specializing in content creation, confidence coaching, consulting and strategy for women-owned small businesses, Chatone is the owner of Chatone Morrison Consulting.  As a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader, speaker and author, Chatone is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique brand story, know their niche and find their voice, systematize their message and move past the negativity so they can confidently sell their services on and off-line.  She believes that you can absolutely release negativity so positivity can reign in your brain and in your business. To work with Chatone, go to or visit


Personal Perspective: How To Enjoy A Beach Photoshoot As A Thick Girl


D97AD74B-8D26-4A5E-AB64-BA23121A8098If you were a caped crusader what color would you wear?  Without a second thought my cape would be hot pink. But if that cape was in the cleaners, and I had to run and save a damsel in distress, I would choose the yellow one.  My secret power would be Positivity and I’d write my way through sticky situations.  Not unlike The Riddler, just without the jokes.

Seriously though, earlier this week when I  walked across the sand to have my photos taken in this bathing suit, I felt more confident and comfortable in my skin than I’ve ever felt. I was able to leap over second glances of lowered dark sunglasses and confused looks in a single bound.  I laughed out loud and let the wind carry my hearty giggles into the sea.  I flew like a real life superhero. 

Like so many of my less than confident sisters, I struggled with the beach for a long time. I loved the sound of the surf and waves. The afterglow of the sun’s kiss was beyond compare.  But I lived in the typical world of body hatred and I didn’t want to go.

Like so many of my less than confident sisters, I went anyway and suffered on the inside. I pretended it was fine, even though it was anything but fine. I was all smiles and laughter and simultaneously silently wanting it to be over. 

Like so many of my less than confident sisters I was losing time.  Have you lost time like this too?7AC9DC24-2654-494B-A96A-8D601DBC89E8

This is not an after picture. It’s not a story about losing weight and finding myself. It’s not even about learning to ignore the flaws and step out as a (BBW) big, beautiful, woman. Nope. It’s simply my story of letting go. 


If and when you finally let go of all the negativity and self doubt and overly critical thoughts and the wondering if you are good enough, you get to fly like Supergirl. You realize that the sun will still rise and set despite your cleavageless chest or your thick thighs with no gap.  The tide will come in and go out even if you don’t allow yourself the freedom to tease the shoreline with your bare feet. You understand that even if every single person on the beach takes a second look at the lines on your belly and indignantly wags their head at the size of your arms, they will probably forget by tomorrow. And if they don’t, that’s their problem.  They should try getting a life.



7A0CA32E-1EDC-4ED1-AFC2-17482C3BA806Being You Is The New Black. It always matches. It always fits.  It’s a classic that never goes out of style. 

Time is not for wasting.  And neither are you.  Allow the bigness of your spirit to leave the deepest impact. 

Allow yourself to…

🗝 Be Authentic.

🗝 Be Brilliant.

🗝 Be The Catalyst.

(Photos of shoot Chatone by Daria Wright, Emmy award winning celebrity stylist and photographer.)  Contact:  Glamologistpro

Chatone Morrison. Certified Life & Health Coach. Gifted Writer Creating Print & Video Content that Raises Confidence, Positivity, & Energy in Corporate Women and Business Owners. Self-Talk Shifter. Motivation Elevator.  Catalyst.

Facetune_25-10-2018-21-14-10Specializing in content creation for women-owned small businesses, Chatone Morrison is the Princess of Positivity® a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader and excellence enthusiast. Chatone is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique brand story, systematize their message so they can confidently sell their services on and off line. 

To Connect With Chatone on Social Media:

The #1 Way To Remember Your Father

autumn autumn colours autumn leaves beautiful

Remember The Walks In Autumn

As October edges into double digit days I know the ramp up and slow down cycle is beginning. I can’t help but be reminded of a song I’ve loved for years.  I’m not ashamed to admit it. I love Barry Manilow’s voice and music, and the song, “When October Goes” in particular is my favorite.


Remember To Keep His Ties For The Son You Might One Day Have

For most of my life I looked forward to this month.  The cooler weather. The trees changing color. A bunch of days off school. All of that. What could be better?   Well, everything.

In 1997 my dad passed on the 8th of October and everything changed.  It became a month to shoo away, crossing the days off the calendar as quickly as possible. Trying to sleep less so I wouldn’t dream of him. Missing him and remembering every sad moment surrounding his passing.  The diagnosis.  The surgery.  The hospital stay.  The nursing home.  Hospice.  Saying goodbye.

When October comes each year, why does that mean that I can’t sleep?  Why do I hear my father’s voice in my head almost every day in October, when I can barely bring it to mind at any other time?  How do you cope with the same loss every single year?  The cellular memories keep rising to the top of my cup and it overflows with my father.  I wish I didn’t have to drink but there is a longing and I simply cannot push myself away from the table.

What’s amazing is that finally this year, twenty-one years gone, little by little it’s changing.   Instead of just another chalk mark on the wall until I see my dad again, I’ve been reminded of our last great Thursday lunch date.  How he would lead me into the restaurant by gently touching the small of my back, and sit seemingly mesmerized while I regaled on about some latest escapade in the office. It’s conjuring up a joke or phrase he used to say or the way he called my name. It’s sharing stories with my kids of how strict he was and how now at 50 I’m so grateful for it. After this 21st anniversary of his death,  I realized this month that I just want to enjoy remembering him however I can.  And overnight, October is my favorite again.

My sweet 16 year old girl created these images for me.  She sent them to me in a text as if it were no big deal.  She never had the chance to meet my dad, and she knows nothing about my rocky relationship with the month of October.  Isn’t it funny how it can be quite natural to reach out and give exactly what someone else needs without them even knowing it?

Stories are the oldest and best part of our lives.  In every chapter there is joy and melancholy. Turmoil and peace.  Love, loss and letting go.  But it’s folding down the corners of joy that make it a best seller.

The way to remember your father is by daring to be passionate and purposeful and connected and confident in re-telling the stories.  It’s by not forgetting to remember.  It is the #1 way and there is nothing more powerful.



Certified Life & Health Coach. Gifted Writer Creating Print & Video Content that Raises Confidence, Positivity, & Energy in Corporate Women and Business Owners. Self-Talk Shifter. Motivation Elevator.  Catalyst.

Specializing in content creation for women-owned small businesses, Chatone Morrison is the Princess of Positivity® a highly creative, high energy, heart-led, coach, consultant, mentor, leader and excellence enthusiast. Chatone is absolutely passionate about helping her clients to script their unique brand story, systematize their message so they can confidently sell their services on and off line. 


To Connect With Chatone on Social Media:






What Is Your Sweet Spot?

macaroonTip #7:How can you create more confident content and tell your story with greater clarity?

Find your sweet spot. Knowing it and knowing it well will forever change how you position yourself in your life and business.  It’s like your own “best of” album.  Clearly interweaving the best of all of you is what makes your clients come back.  Not sure how to find yours? Think about this:

  • What is the core message that you can’t wait to share?
  • What is that topic that you can talk endlessly about no matter what?
  • What is that passion-filled conversation that you always want to have, even when you are exhausted?
  • Why did you start your business?

Your sweet spot is that “thing” that you are stoked to talk about, write about, present about, regardless of audience size.  Reaching even just one person gets you stoked, because you know it’s making difference.

Every business owner has a sweet spot.  Finding it and letting it shine as often as possible is the difference between a little confidence and a LOT.  Which would you rather have?

As a mompreneur, girlboss, super-wifey, example of all things powerful and positive energy for your family, you cannot just allow how you share your message to be flat!  And you definitely cannot allow comparing yourself with someone else to keep you from finding your best voice.  Your album is meant to be purchased, and even if the concert is small at first, there is a standing ovation on the way for your sweet spot – your greatest hit!

Do you feel that your content is boring, stale, and losing it’s edge? Do you just have plain old writer’s block?  Go on back to your sweet spot to regain your confidence.  This is the WHY behind your business and you audience is waiting for it!

Want to know my other top tips for clear and confident content regardless of your platform of choice?  Check out my Instagram feed:


As a small biz owner, are you reluctant to tell your brand story on livestream?  Are you gripped with uncertainty at the suggestion of using IGTV, YouTube or creating edited video?  Do you get sweaty palmed when you think about scripting daily social media posts, your next blog, or  your “about me” page or bio?  No need. Helping you lose the negativity while finding your voice and letting your positivity reign, is what I do best. Get on my calendar for a free 20-minute catalyst session.  Together we can do this. 

Do You Have a Mrs. Working For You?


Whatever you have going on today just remember that it probably doesn’t look as hard as it really is. Yeah…I said that. Because it’s true. We often hear the opposite as a motivator. But in reality much of what we face and have to get done as business owners, moms, wives, mentors, coaches, (and the list goes on) ain’t at all easy!!  YOU make it look easy. You are there subtly applying the gifts you have to the cause without even thinking about it and because of YOU it’s totally different. 

As  you start  your day remember this:  No one knows your exact struggle so it might be a good idea to stop expecting folks to get “it”.   The real question isn’t about them anyway.  Do YOU get it?  Instead of looking for others to acknowledge what you are doing and have done, create a best relationship with yourself.  Every working woman could use a wife…so become your own MRS. – Motivational Reward System. 


Balloons just make me happy… 🎈🎈🎈


The WHY is simple. What you do deserves noticing. What you slay should be celebrated. At the very least someone should be saying “Thanks, let me cover a latté for you”.  Something

Think about this:

1. How often do you relegate your challenges to simply: “it is what it is”, and then keep it moving?

2. What is one thing you could give yourself TODAY that would make a difference?

3.  How will you feel after you enjoy that activity?

4. Why haven’t you started yet!?

You may not have every answer you need at every single moment. But when you make a decision to reward yourself in even the smallest of ways you begin to create a balance for all that you are making happen – because you and I both know you are a BOSS!

For me that means creating motivational and inspirational content. It’s what I’m known for in print and video. Want some every day?  Join me in the Confidence Catalyst Academy for only one payment for the entire year! tuition Right Now!  



As a small biz owner, are you reluctant to tell your brand story on livestream?  Are you gripped with uncertainty at the suggestion of using IGTV, YouTube or creating edited video?  Do you get sweaty palmed when you think about scripting daily social media posts, your next blog, or  your “about me” page or bio?  No need. Helping you lose the negativity while finding your voice and letting your positivity reign, is what I do best. Get on my calendar for a free 20-minute catalyst session.  Together we can do this.  


Take 5! How To Make A Good Day Great Without Even Trying



I’m happier when I take a few moments to focus on what’s good.

For the last few years I have been taking a moment to focus on something really small and really good every day. Yesterday this photo was taken during one of these moments. 

It’s more than just gratitude. Acknowledging the good stuff, however minor, and being thankful is an energy changer.  A mindset shifter.

In 2012 hubby and I decided it made sense for me to leave Corporate HR and Training communications behind. It was the right decision but the shift in routine and a series of illnesses threw me for a loop. Anything like that ever happen to you?  I was accustomed to feeling great and serving others and feeling relatively happy, then suddenly it was all gone. Even though I was busy concentrating on getting well, it was almost unbearable.  I had to think of something. Scaling back from trying to find my perfect life and instead working to embrace the present was a much better choice.

A little later I started keeping a list of 5 things each day that I loved or experienced or appreciated or enjoyed. The rule I set was I couldn’t make the list in advance (I cheated a few times) and I would take 1 minute to just reflect on each of the 5 things.  Guess what?  It was magical.

I put the list on my original blog with the goal of recording 3000 positive memories and experiences. I invited others to participate. It was beautiful how a few moments spent mining for gratefulness changed me and those around me.  That’s why I always hashtag “focus and take time”.

Daily we simply cannot “overcome” all the difficult people and encounters or inner feelings we meet. But we can use the law of substitution to shrink the present negative circumstances.  Just by creating this simple practice and teaching others how to do it got my is shift in gear. 5 little thoughts are amazing when you want to quickly move the energy in an otherwise negative room.  Or yourself.

Mining yesterday was easy. I took off my consultant hat and put down the laptop and toured a historic factory in upstate New York with my family. I found so many but here are just 5:

Construction workers waving hello

Huge red-orange Flowers

Meeting Matilde from France 9B2F09D8-D9ED-4F79-8BCF-6EBC533744AB

Groundhogs in the garden

Ice cream sandwiches by the fire truck

Try this. Focus and take time. Challenge your employees and teams and kids and spouse and self.  Who knows what might make tomorrow’s list? 

We pass treasures every single day. Be determined to see them. 

As a small biz owner, are you reluctant to tell your brand story on livestream?  Are you gripped with uncertainty at the suggestion of using IGTV, YouTube or creating edited video?  Do you get sweaty palmed when you think about scripting daily social media posts, your next blog, or  your “about me” page or bio?  No need. Helping you lose the negativity while finding your voice is what I do best. Get on my calendar for a free 20-minute catalyst session.  Together we can do this.  

Social Media

Connect With Chatone Morrison on Social Media


Introduce Your “Yes” And Your “No” To Each Other – They Make A Perfect Couple


It’s pure and simple like grade school math. The old fashioned kind. Before common core and base 10. Just the basic method of rote memorization.  Flash cards and carrying the one. For every yes there is a corresponding no. Period. Point. Blank. We keep thinking that there must be a way around it, but there is none to be found. 

As a mompreneur with two businesses this formula sometimes gets in the way.  I get caught in the yes and yes syndrome. Or the no, but syndrome.  Both end super moms and super wives in a cliff hanger of, “how in the world I am going to do all of that?”

Especially when one of my kids is involved, all bets are off.  I don’t know about you, but I think we have a way of making the  impossible suddenly feel possible.  We do what we otherwise cannot do.  It’s yes and yes all the way.  That is until we can’t.  When we have to realize that one strong defiant yes does not always have to be married to another strong defiant yes.  More often that not, our strong yes must establish a courtship with a loving No, thank you.

For the last 3 months, my life has been a series of yes and yes.  Nothing too difficult that I couldn’t handle it, right?  Sure thing.  That is until I found myself sleeping in the park 4 miles from home because I was too tired to get there safely.  And then again a few weeks later, when I had to take a 20 minute nap, (relaxation music, essential oils and all) in the radiology parking lot across town.  Uh-oh…something is out of balance.

Almost 30 years ago, during a routine exam one of my doctors saw what they now know to be the sprinkles of CFS.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  I didn’t have it, but I had the “factor”, whatever that meant.  I went on the hunt and became embroiled in natural practitioners and healthy eating.  Before long, positive thinking, affirmations and gratitude edged its way into my life and finally coaching and eventually leaving my day job to pursue more balance.  It was a long process, but now after 6 years, launching my confidence and positivity coaching business coupled with Mary Kay, things make more sense.  I know what I’m doing.   Sure thing.  That is until I get over tired and keep pushing.

But what about  kids?  That is a yes and yes proposition always, right?  Nope. In order to be our best to our everyone; hubbies, kids, career, etc. we have to allow yes to get into a relationship with no – date, get engaged, and eventually marry.  It is only once we embrace the truth that saying yes to any single thing is saying no to something else, that balance even comes into view.IMG_2652

Take last night as an example.  Darling daughter had her third doctor appointment in 2 days and it just so happened to be in the middle of the height of traffic and over an hour away.  Hubby would be at worship with my son so that meant I would go and hold down the fort.  Pull my weight.  Do my share.  In the words of Nike, “Just Do It”.  Except in reality it wasn’t in me.  The sprinkle was becoming a wave last evening and I needed to slow down to a drastic halt and let the yes of her appointment become the exclusive one and only  lover of the no to my driving.  I didn’t see it, but dear husband did.  Because I’m a high creative, and I live in gratitude, I wrote this while I rode last night.

Tonight I watched a sunset while riding and felt sheer bliss. The rush hour traffic was slow-going and thick. We had an appointment that could not be missed. Stress had lifted a heavy hand as if it would never withdraw. But as I sat in the back seat all I felt was peace. 

Earlier in the day my soul love partner offered to cancel his plans and drive us. My immediate response was no.  His day had been equally challenging and as a wife I like doing my share. And I can handle it.  Tonight though would have been too much.  He knew before I did that saying yes and no must coexist.  They are the exact same value on a bill that needs to be paid on time.  Everytime. 

Tonight I was reminded that being a ‘super mom’ and ‘super wife’ has limits.

Positivity is not a substitute for waning power.  

Confidence does not trump Self-Care. 

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is sit behind the driver and watch the sun fall.

So there it is.  Yes and No in a beautiful relationship that each confident woman needs to embrace if she will slay the servant, wifey and career/momtrepreneur game.  I’m not yet asking you to run out and ask for loads of help.  That might be too jarring.  That kind of levelheadedness takes time!  But if it’s been far too long since you allowed yourself to receive a hand up, it’s time.  Just say Yes…and No.



Are you a make it happen woman in public,  who is hiding behind a facade of confidence? Could you benefit from support around your mindset, body image, motivation and self-talk in private?  Are you ready to ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  I’d love to help you up level your game.

Complete the questionnaire to apply for a free 20-minute strategy session with me.

Social Media

Coaching Website:


Instagram:  @realprincessofpositivity

Periscope/Pinterest/Twitter:  ChatoneMorrison


What Moment Will You Cherish?

Saffron Lifestyle Puerto Plata Dominican  Republic

Cherishing My Moments. Because “one day it could be otherwise”.

For the last several days I’ve been in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic without my family. For someone else that might seem normal enough, but that just means they haven’t met me yet. Traveling? Check! Traveling internationally? Check! Traveling internationally without my husband? That would be an automatic no for me.

However we had an issue with our kids passports; I had no choice. I needed to come and welcome our family and guests, all the while praying hubby could get 24 hour passport renewal without me being in the room. DO NOT…I REPEAT…DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!

(I will save the details for another blog once I can find the humor in it. That hasn’t happened yet! But to whet your appetite It includes the following: nine school children who wouldn’t get out of the street, an irate customer care agent who should hand in her resignation NOW, a monsoon, 15 hours of hunger, struggling up a steep cobblestone hill on a golf cart with no windshield through the previously mentioned monsoon, 4 defunct Internet cafes, a lawyer who can no longer hold his own pen but has the notary stamp, holding back the traffic of 489 aggressive motorcycle drivers, to run through the traffic and that blasted monsoon and at least one donkey.)

Now that my family is here I am once again reminded why it’s so important to authentically focus and take time. To slow down and be present. To cherish the moment. To know that: “one day it could all be otherwise”. To learn more about this concept, check out the last episode of, The Sunday Corner™, on YouTube:

Last night we celebrated with a special dinner. And while this is not a restaurant review it just might make you hungry to visit the DR and come to this fabulous spot.

Travel with me….

We dined at at “Saffron”, a private restaurant here in Puerto Plata. How it lived up to its name!!

Fresh healing herbs infused into every bite. Yes, the food was amazing. Mediterranean hot and spicy lentil and root vegetable soup, smooth hummus and eggplant purée in tiny white bowls served alongside pickled carrots and beets and thick pita bread straight from the oven. The tender roasted lamb chops the size of beef ribs, the chicken tangine arrived at the table atop pearl potatoes, tiny okra and in a sauce with the perfect bite. All of this feast paired with a delectable deep red wine, then finished with crispy phyllo stuffed with apricots and drizzled with warm honey. We were directly at the ocean in a evening so dark, we could hear the surf and waves and the song of night birds, but see nothing. Not even the sand. It was truly a gorgeous experience.

And yet it became pale because I was in the midst of cherishing that my “forever boyfriend” had finally arrived. Mark Morrison is better than the best dinner in the best location in the best part of the most beautiful island. I have cherished him since I was 14 years old. I want to continue.

When you stop to focus and take time, you notice all the tiny hints of moments to cherish and enjoy.

Your turn…

Chatone Morrison ©2017

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Are you a make it happen woman in public, need who is hiding behind a facade of confidence? Could you benefit from support around your mindset, body image, motivation and self-talk in private?  Are you ready to ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  I’d love to help you up level your game.

Complete the questionnaire to apply for a free 20-minute strategy session with me.

Social Media

Coaching Website:


Instagram:  @realprincessofpositivity

Periscope/Pinterest/Twitter:  ChatoneMorrison

Just DANCE: 5 Tips to Dial Down The Negativity

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Something that is omnipresent in our lives and never seems to go anyplace is negativity.  From children all the way through adulthood negativity breeds like dandelions and there is no fertilizer strong enough to tame it.   External negativity goes through your ears and eyes and straight to your heart.  Worse still is internal negativity.  It causes self-esteem to dip and drop, confidence to stagnate and drown you in the dreaded feelings of “not good enough“.

Does this sound like you?  In the morning, do you jump up ready to go, feeling like a “day slayer” ready to make it happen and then get blindsided by the first person you see outside of your  bedroom with their negative mindset and attitudes?  pablo-varela-311608Or perhaps it happens to you before you even leave the bedroom!  Between the shower, the closet and the vanity mirror, do you sometimes bring the claws out?  Are you your best friend when you start your day?  Or if you were to be judged by the things you say under your breath would someone deem you the enemy?

If you answered yes, should you be alarmed?  Straight talk?  Yes.  At least somewhat.  Since the negativity is alive and well and out of your control from the outside, it is really important that you do what you can to protect yourself on the inside by simply dialing down the negativity.  

Dance Negativity Away

When a dancer is in the zone there is no room for negativity.  The art and practice of moving chases it away.  So how can you embrace some of that for your life?  Can you take up the tango or the waltz?  There is a distinct possibility that might actually work.  But instead of that, try this instead.

  1. Define.  What are the negative dominant thoughts that you experience each day?  If you define and acknowledge them they are easier to compartmentalize.
  2. Abbreviate.  After you define and acknowledge what’s eating at you most, you are at a crossroads.  Will you continue to give these thoughts a home?  Or will you send them packing.  It’s pretty hard to never think something that you have become accustomed to thinking every day.  But can you shorten the time that you allow those thoughts to dominate?  
  3. Nullify Untruth. Did you ever notice that sometimes you are completely lying about what is going on in your life?  Statements like:  “I’m so…” or “I never will…” or “I’m not…”, need to be nullified and neutralized.  Cancel them out before they take root.  They are simply too broadly stroked.  When you find yourself telling lies, just stop.  Not cute!dance 1aricka-lewis-208111
  4. Challenge.  What happens after you nullify the blatant untrue statements but you are still left with a negative ball of threads and you are not sure what to do?  That is when great questions come into play.  Here are a couple I use in coaching:
    •  What evidence do you have to prove this statement?
    • Give 5 examples of when that was true in the past 90 days.
    • Give 5 examples of when that was completely untrue in the past 90 days.
    • Who told you this last?  On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being highest, how does this person rate on the scale of importance with you?
  5. Energize.  The most effective part of Dancing to Dial Down Negativity is the adopt more positive energy.  Doing it alone is extremely difficult.  It takes effort, time, investment and a willingness to switch up the comfort of the uncomfortable.  Reading elevated material, listening to inspirational podcasts,  and changing your tribe all helps.  By far, working with a coach or consultant will quicken the pace of  your transition to releasing your negativity and allowing positivity to reign.  When you are able to actually hear back what you are saying  life changes life changing how differently your words sound when they are repeated back to you.  Like a radio at one time tuned to static, then moved to the right station, suddenly you hear the low energetic vibration, and you want to change it.  That want is facilitated by someone who has your best interests at heart.  david-charles-schuett-363769

Since external negativity has a constant foot in the door, what can you do to limit the time you spend with internal negativity?  Could you dial it back this week? Which of the above 5 resonates enough to make you want to dance?  

Find one.  Put on your favorite tunes.  Kick up your heels.  And dance!




Chatone Morrison ©2017

Are you a make it happen woman in public, in need of support around your mindset, image, motivation and self-talk in private?  Are you ready to ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  I’d love to support you.  Complete the questionnaire to apply for a free 20-minute strategy session with me. 

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For More on This Topic – Catch the Latest Episode of The Sunday Corner© Show on YouTube:  

Visit The Sunday Corner Here

Social Media

Coaching Website:




Instagram:  @realprincessofpositivity

Periscope/Pinterest/Twitter:  ChatoneMorrison

All Photos:  Courtesy of Unsplash
Sarah Cervantes
Pablo Varela
David Charles Schuett

Nothing Compares To You

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When is the last time you felt that nothing compared to you?  You know that feeling when you are “sitting pretty” without even trying?  When you are in the midst of the best you, doing the things that make you feel great from the inside out?  If it has been a while, this blog is just for you.  If you can’t remember when,  you may have fallen victim to someone else’s hype. If you can’t remember,  it’s  been way too long.  

Guess what?   Contrary  to popular belief…nothing compares to you.   It wouldn’t sting so badly if this statement weren’t true.  But it is true.  Your specialness precedes you, even when you don’t see it.

Why You Don’t See It

You don’t see where you don’t look.  As women we are oftentimes looking for the good in everyone around us.  It becomes our singular job to uplift, empower, encourage and nurture.  The family, the job, the school, where we volunteer, all get our best.  They may or may not give us compensatory thanks.  We are literally living our specialness and giving it away simultaneously, so much so that we personally miss it altogether.  Search.  Look deeper.  It’s still there.

You Have A Distorted Mirrorbubble reflection sebastian-pichler-20071

Your standards of  “best you” are not quite right.  you using to compare your Have you ever looked in a old,  cloudy or cracked mirror?  How did you look?  Even if you could make out all your features, would you trust that mirror to put on your makeup?  Do your hair for an evening out?  Dress yourself?  What might the chances be for you to make an error in judgement and totally miss it?  Fairly high, right?  

How often are your standards set by you instead of strangers?   When an important path is set by someone who doesn’t know how unique and lovely you are, you will never feel that you measure up.  Period.  Take a look at your mirror.  If it can be cleaned up, do it.  If it needs replacing, throw it away and start again.

La, La, La…I Can’t Hear You!

Sound like a child you know?  This is a fan favorite with small children.  They tune out cellphone-andrik-langfield-petrides-348253what they don’t want to hear.  Have you taken on this childlike behavior?  Is it wrecking havoc on your self-esteem and confidence?  You can get so busy hearing what people you don’t know are whispering to you that you don’t hear what those who know and love you are screaming.  This social media monster is in a constant chase for our hearts.  It’s a necessary evil that can replace the human interaction in our lives if we let it.  Next stop?  No longer listening to important people who know you, love you, understand where you have been and where you are going.  Hand over ears and eyes, you make others out to be wrong; no longer believing the truth.  It’s gradual and insidious and happens way too often! It’s annoying when kids do it.  (Newsflash:  It’s annoying when adults do it too!)

What Can You Do?

  1. If you nurture others; nurture yourself too.  Give away some of your best self, and keep some for yourself.  It’s easier said than done, so practice is needed.  
  2. Take a good look at your mirror.  If the standards you are working with no longer fit you make a change.  Evolve them. Remove them.  You will not stay the same woman, especially as you gain more life experience (age/wisdom, etc).  Expect the metamorphosis and accept it for what it is . . . Something Wonderful. 
  3. Unless you are a very tall, feathery and fast bird running on the plain, you can no longer use ostrich-like habits to excuse away who you are.  Rejecting reality does not change it.  When others acknowledge you, it is a blessing.  Develop your listening and appreciation skills.  Very few people have the desire to flatter you for no reason.  Listen.  You just might hear something great.

The late artist Prince said it best:  Nothing compares to you.   However, if you don’t allow yourself to go to your own party, the party will go on without you.  Since it’s being thrown in your honor, you might as well enjoy it.  

Chatone Morrison ©2017

Are you a make it happen woman in public, in need of support around your mindset, image, motivation and self-talk in private?  Are you ready to ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  I’d love to support you.  Complete the questionnaire to apply for a free 20-minute strategy session with me. 


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Family Dialysis – 2 Tips To Have a Better Week With Your Kids


“Emotionally Stable”    Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

It used to be that you had to have some gray hairs on you before you felt this “rock and a hard place” feeling.  But just in case you didn’t know, this is how our typical middle schoolers are living each day.  Our young 11-13 year olds are leaving the house feeling pretty “fresh” and then somewhere between math and recess and the bus loop they look like they are hanging on by a thread.  This is in the best and worst of neighborhoods.  It has less to do with family income, status or zip code than it ever did, even though that seems to matter more than ever.  In reality it has to do with what we as moms and dads do to debrief, cleanse and reboot with our tribe everyday.

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Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

Early in 2017 I started a Periscope® broadcast called “The Friday Night Family Scope”.   My mission was to bring families closer together in a positive way.  For many of us the weekends need to be a time of family dialysis.  We need to get inside the blood of our kids and remove the toxins.  If we don’t go into the shadows and knock on their doors, ask the right questions and find out what they are focused on, we can’t provide help.

But if your kids are anything like mine, you know that you can’t wait for Friday to make this happen.  How can we motivate and energize our kids more frequently?  How can we get inside their lives and stay in there, especially if they are moving into young adulthood?  Can a few minutes a couple of nights a week make a difference?  Yes!  We are more than chauffeurs, ATMs and short order cooks.   We do more than feed and clothe.  We do even more than teach and keep them safe.  In just a few minutes devoted parents can do pivotal things.    We help our children thrive in a scary world.  And we gotta jump in and do a little very day.  

2 Quick & Easy Tips:

  •  Listen More Than You Lecture.  If you are guilty of this, raise your hand.  Come on!  Raise it up right at your desk or in your kitchen or at the gym.  I know you are out there.  Join us.  My hand is raised too!  One is markedly easy.  The other is definitely hard.  But if you can get a tween or teen to talk to you, even if what they are saying is making you want to scream at the top of your lungs, try to listen.  Yes, sometimes the story seems like a web that is wrapped upon itself and you want to jump in and untangle it.  I know…I’ve been there…in fact, I visited that familiar destination earlier today.  In the midst though, it hit me that I needed to assign dignity to this young adult that is so much like…well, me!  And a lecture wasn’t going to cut it.  What about you?  Can you use your ears first this week?
  • Let Acknowledgement Be Your First Words.  I keep thinking that after I speak I love to know that someone was actually listening to me.  The same is true for our kids; listening is only half the battle.  The other half is letting them know that we heard  them.  Extract something to show that you acknowledge they have been willing to share.  “I know what you mean”, doesn’t carry as much weight as “Man,  that sounds awful!  I’m sorry that you had to face that.” (Or whatever similar matches your tribe).  It’s not easy for our kids to open up.  If they do, don’t waste the opportunity.  Acknowledge them, their feelings and what they have to say.  It’s worth it.

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Photo by Max Conrad on Unsplash

So many of our precious kids are at pressure’s edge.  The waves keep coming and they are aren’t dressed for swimming.   If we are going to make a difference we are going to have to dive in deep.

The goal of Family Dialysis is to chat about ways to get closer as a family and ensure that parents are the major influencers to a positive future.  Let me know what you’d like to see.  I’m excited to share with you!

Chatone Morrison ©2017

Ready to get your positive energy in check?  Looking to clean up your self-talk, create a personal affirmation plan or ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  Complete the questionnaire for a free coaching strategy session.


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Vision Through Any Size Window

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Photo by Lian Jonkman on Unsplash

For many of us, Vision is a strength.  We see with wide eyes.  Positive eyes.  For others vision is a struggle because distractions of other people’s views get in the way.  How about you? How is your vision?

One of the reasons I love coaching and being coached, is the way it opens eyes.  Eyes without possibility suddenly see (pun intended) what could be.   So many times, right up until the time when you are ready to hit “Go”, vision is in place.  You are flying a private jet.  The view is wide open, the window is huge and clear.  Then one thing or another happens.  Clouded by fear, indecision or feeling cramped by too many other opinions, even if it’s the last thing you want to happen, the window shrinks and vision fades.

The irony is when starting something new, vision is possible through any size window.  Even when no one can see our big idea, it’s clear to us.  Adversity and fear shrinks the window.  As the size of the window shrinks, so does the vision.  In reality, if you have the nerve to start scared, but invincible you can finish the same way.   Here’s two quick ways to do it:

  1.  Find your tribe!  Who is your tribe?  Like-minded, similarly focused folks who “get you”.  It doesn’t mean they are into the exact same thing necessarily.  It just means they will allow you to have your vision.  They will refuse to allow you to shrink because the target is far away.  In the picture above the window is small.  Seeing anything is going to be hard.  But the realities outside are exactly the same size!  So find a tribe who will keep you accountable for looking straight ahead even when the distance between you and your goal is still far away.
  2. Be Authentic!  This is more than just a Princess of Positivity® platitude.  Being Authentic is real and it will keep your vision alive!  Along the way to reach what you want so much fear is involved. Couple that with the naysayers and dream-slayers, and the tendency to say everything is, “Fine” is simply to tempting and seems harmless.  Of course nothing could be farther from true.   It will keep you from moving forward.  Because when you lie about your progress, or tell the truth about your progress, and then lie about how you feel about it, your tribe cannot help you.  They won’t even know you need it.

If you are wanting a stronger and more positive vision, you can also write down your vision statement, keep it with you and recite it repeatedly until you are comfortable.  Or you can make a vision board and interact with it until you embrace it as truth.   It might take a moment to change your mindset, but once you do, you get to play a bigger game with your ultimate vision.  Deciding is more than half the battle!

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Photo by Izzy Gerosa on Unsplash

Any Size Window – Poetry By Chatone Morrison

Super big vision.
Big ideas. Yet,
Packing big suitcases. 
Full of fear.


Shaking head silence.
Choices are few.
Thoughts seem distant, old and un-new.  

Shake them off?  

Pretend them away?  
Face them head on or they stay and stay and stay.
Where is the vision?  
Where did it go?  
Brought down with arrows, night clubs and bows? 
When with-in seems empty, and with-out is a shame.
When you give up or give out just “I” will be blamed.
When Perseverance is a memory of your distant days
Packed in the cases of your younger self’s ways
Go in again with
A different approach. 
Go in again with
A brand new way.
Step out on the field. 
And into the sun. 
Go for the run where giants play. 
Your vision is present
On the field and on the plane.  
Fear is a friend
A guidepost to glow.
You are more than enough
To play a huge game
And your vision is clear through any size window.


Chatone Morrison ©2017

Ready to get your positive energy in check?  Looking to clean up your self-talk, create a personal affirmation plan or ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  Complete the questionnaire for a free coaching strategy session.


Chatone old navy striped top princess

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Instagram:  @realprincessofpositivity

Periscope/Pinterest/Twitter:  ChatoneMorrison

Interested in starting your own business?  Let’s set up a marketing chat.

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“Be You, Beautiful!” A Poem in Support of Self-Acceptance & Showing Up Positive


Self-Acceptance is a movement that is hard won by most women.  It’s something we want, need even, but a serious challenge to get and even more challenging to maintain.  I should know…I’ve been at it for a long time!  

Last week’s Sunday Corner video on my YouTube channel broke down part of my journey to self-acceptance.  If you missed it here is the link:

If you are in in the midst of your own personal journey – it’s my hope that this poem nudges you along.

Be You, Beautiful!

Carry bits of dreams
Use them to find your glow 
Stuff them in the pockets of your jeans
When looking out every window

Be You
Out loud 

Carry them in elaborately woven 
Burlap sacks 
9-5 Tears
Daily grinds 
Prerogatives & 
Dog-eared Envelopes full of 1990’s

And when it’s time to show
Be you ready!

Glorified & Purified with
White rose and Orange essence 
Heady with the fragrance of Success
Already unjarred 
In the distance but

So keep carrying your bite sized bits
Fit them deep down in every crease
Let them run down your face like grease
Lubricating every move
Fall into the sole of shoes
And sneakers
Every step you take
Be you

Stand closer to the speaker
Hear today 
Here tomorrow
Even when the vision seems imprisoned

Don’t forget to look out every window
Fingertips to lips 

Your dreams are whispering
Cup your ear &

Poetry By:  Chatone Morrison  ©2014

Ready to get your positive energy in check?  Looking to clean up your self-talk, create a personal affirmation plan or ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  Complete the questionnaire for a free coaching strategy session.


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Don’t Miss The Weekly Sunday Corner Show on YouTube:

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Instagram:  @realprincessofpositivity

Periscope/Pinterest/Twitter:  ChatoneMorrison

Interested in starting your own business?  Let’s set up a marketing chat.

STORY TIME!! The “Get To Know Me” Tag – Blog #1

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In the spirit of having a bit of fun and opening up, I have decided to do a series of “Getting to Know Me” blog posts.  As a wife, mom, mompreneur, writer, coach, and of course, the Princess of Positivity, I wear a lot of crowns…I mean hats!  I’m often so focused on uplifting others,  I forget that most of the people who visit my sites or read my material have never met me!  So here goes.  Look out for an accompanying video…there just might be one coming!

1.  Are you named after anyone?

I am!  When my dear mom was pregnant with me she met a lady named Chatone.  She fell in love with the name and told my dad.  He said if I was a boy she could name me Chatone.  If I had been a boy I would have been called, Aaron-David Richard-William Curley.  Talk about a mouthful.  Guess I could have still been the Prince of Positivity!  The strange thing is that I never liked my name.  No one can ever pronounce it and I am often called something very close to a curse word.  (grrrr)  My dream name as a child was Priscilla.    But alas, when I turned 14, just 2 years shy of the age my parents had agreed I could legally change my name, I fell in love with being the only person on the planet (at least it seemed) that had my name.  And since I felt so odd and unique it seemed apropos.  But then think of it… Priscilla, the Princess of Positivity.  Can’t you just hear the ring in that?!

2.  What’s the first thing you notice about people?

I notice eye contact and the facial expression.  When I encounter people, I always make eye contact and smile right away.  I want to see if I can get them to smile back.  It’s probably a bit corny.  But then again, positivity is my super power!  I am looking for the like-minded ALL THE TIME.  Warm eyes and kind faces get my attention.

3.  Do you have kids?

Yes!  Two kids, Katelin (15) and Levi (11).   I also lost a boy and girl to miscarriage and one that was too early to know.  Saddest time in my life I have to say…but it’s made me a stronger and more compassionate person.  Isn’t it amazing that our scars make us beautiful?

4.  Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Oh boy…sarcasm is not a great thing.  But the wit and quickness involved is something we simply cannot do without in our home. It’s so bad that when Levi was 3 years old he gave his first eye roll, head tilt and “oh pulease…”  Enough said!

5.  Scary movie or happy endings?

I hate like scary movies.  I’m that annoying person in an action movie that actually screams when the guns come out.  My blood pressure literally rises with suspense, and I cannot stand to be frightened!  Like when someone jumps out of a corner or is standing in a dark room…nope!  Not me.  Not my thing.  Hubby will be sat there enjoying it and I have a scarf blocking my eyes!

6.  Do you have any special talents?

Music is my thing.  I sing.  Play piano and flute.  And I love to dance.  If you pay me enough I can rap free style – I mean spoken word poetry…

7.  When was the last time you cried?

I cried really hard last weekend (7/29/17).  I was at a themed convention called, “Don’t Give Up!” in Tampa with my family.  There was a dramatization of a woman who lost her dad and how she coped with it by relying on God.  It felt so real!  Exactly how I felt when I lost my dad.  Even though it’s been almost 20 years (October 1997), I still miss him.  Full out ugly cry ensued.

8.  What is your favorite drink?  Animal?  Perfume?

OK seriously what a strange series of questions!  Drink would be fizzy Pellegrino with lime twist. Animal is Portuguese water dog.  Perfume is Belara Midnight by Mary Kay.

9.  What phone do you have?

Currently I am loving my iPhone 7+.  I was a super slow adopter of apple products.  Old school lover of a blackberry until my friends all laughed me into submission.  Now I am an Apple product robot.  Sorry, I’m not sorry!

10.  What was your favorite trip/vacation?

My hubby Mark is the “King of Travel” so we have had some great travels in currently 28+ years of marriage.  However, one of the very best trips we have taken, was for our 10th anniversary.  We went to the south of Spain.  It was a 5 day trip; hotel, air, food for $500 per person.  My brother-in-law saw a tiny add in the NY Times and we thought it might not even be a real offer.  We called, found out it was legit and started our planning.  I was super excited.  A month or so later we found out we were pregnant with our first baby.  Crazy!  Even more excited.  10th anniversary.  After only just trying to get pregnant for a short time – boom!   We were flying high and all was right in our happy world…until it wasn’t.  Imperfect life happened and on May 10, 1999, the same week we were supposed to travel, I miscarried our baby.  The devastation was real!  I never thought I would understand anything again, let alone laugh, have fun or have even an ounce of self-esteem or self-love.  We called the travel agent and told our story.  Without even asking for any proof from our doctor, and without insurance they allowed us to cancel, reschedule for a month after my surgery and honored the $500 price even though going in the month of June would have doubled the price.  

So why was this the best trip/vacation ever?  The endless days summer days when the sun set around 10pm, the blue waters of the Mediterranean sea, the pink mountains capped in snow all around, the warm loving friends we met, the tiny, smooth, multi-colored pebbles on the beach and the miracle of knowing only God could create an earth so perfectly beautiful, fostered my faith that I could feel good again.

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“How agreeable is to feel the sea breeze playing upon one’s face. The heroine of this piece seems to have gone to the sea shore to feel this sensation that is so refreshing and restorative for her skin.”  Elisa Sculpture – Brisa 1999/5000

And by the time we came home I was on the road to healing.  

To commemorate that time in our lives and for my anniversary, Mark gave me “Breeze” a 5000 piece, limited edition Elisa sculpture.  Ironically we got number 1999 without even asking.  And until Katelin was finally born in 2002, Brisa, as she is known in Spanish, was my treasured daughter.  Now I have the real thing to accompany my doll.   Positivity really can be born during adversity.





Ready to get your positive energy in check?  Looking to clean up your self-talk, create a personal affirmation plan or ease your way into releasing your negativity so your positivity can reign?  Complete the questionnaire for a free coaching strategy session.


Don’t Miss The Weekly Sunday Corner Show on YouTube:

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FullSizeRender 4Instagram:  @realprincessofpositivity

Periscope/Pinterest/Twitter:  ChatoneMorrison

Interested in starting your own business?  Let’s set up a marketing chat.

Is Information Overload Stealing Your Positivity?

IMG_7625Are you simply trying to juggle way too much information? Think of all the blogs, vlogs, Facebook posts, tweets, Instagram and Pinterest pics, Snapchat, Periscopes…the list goes on and on.  It can get to be an over the top habit that moves from serving you to enslaving you. Don’t get me wrong.  I am a lover of knowledge.  I contribute and I consume.  But what happens if you start to feel that you need ALL of it for your success.  How can you know what is for you?

“OK Chatone”, you say.  “We hear you Princess…but what if I need the information for my big idea?  What if I’m building a new brand or company or product and I need to research and figure out what to do to be successful?  What then?”

You are right.  When you researching, learning, and growing into something that you have never been before, knowledge is key.  Bear in mind, though, that all data is not good data.  If you need something very specific, working with a coach…a great coach…is generally where you need to look.  For the last 15 years I have consistently worked with one coach or another and it has helped me to make great strides in grabbing my goals.

However, one of the greatest advantages has been the ability to learn to quickly decipher what information out here is for me and what is not for me.  That level of discernment has served me in such a big way!   You know the feeling of buying the wrong thing on line with all the promises but then nothing happens?  You feel nothing.  You do nothing.  You have no resonation.  No soul-ping at all.  Why?  Because the information did not serve you.  It just seemed like it. For me, working with various coaches helped me to memorize the sound of the ring of truth.  Then it’s easy to buy the right records and sing along.  

What about you?  Still searching and unsure?  Haven’t made the coach/mentor/consultant investment yet?  Well until you do, I’m here to help!  Check out these 5 ways to quickly evaluate information so you don’t have to waste your time or your money!  (See if you can find the poem…)

Is it 100% True?  Pick Good PEARS. Look for Proof, Experience, Authenticity and Realistic.  It should be easy to do this.  But the information out here is in overload format!  And when you want success, there is a fantastic claim about everything ranging  from how to trim fat from a raw chicken to how to trim fat from your thighs!  Tip:  If the information sounds too good to be true, it generally is!

Is it Really For You?  Every Guru isn’t for you.  Every gift is not meant for you to open.  For example, you read about an amazing writing coach who is offering a program.  She has 10 best sellers under her belt and has helped with over 500 clients to become best sellers also.  Wow…she must be for you, right!  No!  Not if you hate writing.  Haven’t read a book in 15 years. And the thought of a bookstore gives you hives.  What excites today will demoralize tomorrow if it’s not for you.  Buyer beware!

Does it Make You Feel Blue?  Great question, right?  Take a good look at who or what you watch the most.  Perhaps it’s a top coach or trainer well renown in his/her professional.  Content is flowing 24/7 and you know they must have what you need…look at their success?!  But do you feel uneasy, annoyed, frustrated afterwards?   Is their mode of motivation positive or do you sense an element of condescension?  We are all gifted with the ability to almost automatically pick up on the energy of others.  We just have the tendency to justify it.  If you want your positivity to show up and stay up – Shift Accordingly!

Would You Share it With Your Crew?  Sharing is an integral part of the fabric of our society.  We specifically share what serves us personally.  Think of the last time you had an amazing dinner at a hidden gem restaurant.  Think about the last motivational book or article that you loved.  Even think about the diet or exercise program that you feel truly served you.  What was the first thing you wanted to do?  SHARE!!  Sharing is the social lifeblood of today’s media. So, if you consistently that you would NEVER share with anyone in your inner circle…simply ask why?

Afterwards Do you Feel Like You Grew?   If you are able to get through the first four “poetry points” you have chosen great content so absorb on!  Right?  Well…there’s just one more thing.  Let’s bottom line all of this.  Growth is the key reason for taking in information. We are growing or dying.  It’s that simple.  Without it you might as well just  sit on the couch and look out of the window instead of expending the mental energy needed to examine and apply the content that you have chosen.  So pick morphy material!  If the material is stagnant and can never be applied to anything new or is the same old, same old don’t expect anything to change.  

Chances are, the volume will only increase.  But equipped with these 5 steps you can turn up exactly what you want to hear and mute the rest.  Be well!

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Summer Positive Vibes

Ready to get your positive energy back in check?  Looking to grow or do something you haven’t done in a long time?  Complete the questionnaire for a free coaching strategy session.



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Instagram:  @realprincessofpositivity

Periscope/Pinterest/Twitter:  ChatoneMorrison

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