Revealing The Secret Life of Hands


cbm hands october 2017This morning my hands lovingly squeezed fresh lemons, making an attempt at distracting me from more senseless killing.  The fragrance lingered behind and I was reminded that a 5-minute act can still create joy.  There is still beauty created in simple acts.

The thing about our hands is that we use them every single day. All day. With our hands we smooth the skin on our face and body. We rouse awake. Wash our children. Hold our spouses.

With our hands we plant the garden. Cook the food. Make the coffee. Cook the breakfast. Pack the lunches. We sign the homework. Check the backpack. And then we sit them on our hips as a sign. A sign to move on with our day.

One month ago, today, my hands rose super early. They packed my bags. Brought my things to the truck. Drove 400 miles to my “big brother’s” funeral. My hands wiped my tears. His wife’s tears. My friend’s tears. My hands provided comfort.

These same hands held my 11 year old’s (when no one was looking) when he was a bit nervous on the first day of middle school.  They applauded when he could find his locker and got his first “A” of the semester.  And in their versatility, they wrung repeatedly when consecutive hurricanes hit and the worry was as deep as the falling rain.  Then, my hands became an essential oil diffuser and massaged my temples when I was sleepless.

When I was 18 months old, my right hand was badly burned.  The scar is a reminder of my mom and dad screaming through the house, taking care of me.  When the weather is cold the skin is ashen, tight, itchy and draws attention.  My hand holds this secret that spans my entire life and the memory never ceases to bless me.

Whether I’m in a place of curiosity and courage or gloom and grief, I ask my hands to be on a mission of service.  Days like today, I don a black leather “CLARITY” bracelet on my right hand.  It’s a nudge in the direction of understanding, gratitude and as much positivity as possible.

Focus and Take Time with your hands.  The secrets they tell need never be spoken.  Use them to do something simple yet powerful.  Change a moment.  Change an evening.  Change a year.  Change a life.

Chatone Morrison ©2017

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6 thoughts on “Revealing The Secret Life of Hands

  1. So glad I found you on UBC. Love this tribute to our hands, and all we can do with them. Usually I see pieces about a loved ones hands, and I like them. However, yours is more personal, and present, helping the reader see what they can do today with their hands. Thanks.


  2. Another one to treasure… Love the hands that communicate any message no matter how deep, playful. or any other tone…. You sure know how to make life worth living…..

    Liked by 1 person

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